Offline Retail Sales Still Strong in Asia-Pacific
Offline Retail Sales Still Strong in Asia-Pacific
  • 이나리 기자
  • 승인 2016.08.08 15:53
  • 댓글 0
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Digital sales share is also set to grow

The digital shopping revolution has led not only to billions of digital transactions, but also drives significant shares of offline commerce. Forrester Research expects web-influenced offline sales in Asia-Pacific to grow even faster than purely digital sales as a share of the overall marketplace.

In July 2016, the firm forecast that by 2020, nearly 30% of retail sales in Asia-Pacific will be made offline, but inspired by online activity.

In 2015, 13% of retail sales were digital, but one in five were offline, web-influenced sales. By 2020, about 20% of sales will be digital, compared to a 30% share for offline web-influenced sales.

While more purchases might be driven by online connections and the popularity of browsing on the internet, brick-and-mortar stores may actually gain importance in the final stages of a sale.

Not only will market share increase for web-influenced offline sales, but revenue is projected to grow, too.

Forrester Research reports that such revenue came to $1.2 trillion in Asia-Pacific in 2015; that figure is set to rise to a whopping $2.1 trillion in 2020. So digital may have the buzz, but it would be a mistake to assume that offline buying is about to fade, or that brick-and-mortar stores will soon go the way of the dodo bird.

eMarketer estimates that retail ecommerce sales make up a larger share of total retail sales in Asia-Pacific than they do anywhere else in the world, at 12.1% this year. In Western Europe and North America, the figure hovers just above 8%.

eMarketer estimates that this share is largest in China, where 18.4% of retail sales this year will be transacted via digital channels. Within Asia-Pacific, South Korea comes in second by this metric, followed by New Zealand.

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