Mobile Banking Matures in Australia
Mobile Banking Matures in Australia
  • CCTV 뉴스팀 기자
  • 승인 2015.10.23 08:00
  • 댓글 0
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Digital banking overall up from 58.6% to 62.2%

Mobile banking now reaches one in three account holders in Australia, according to August 2015 polling from Roy Morgan Research.

The 2015 penetration rate for mobile banking was up by 7.4 percentage points since August 2013, when around one in four account holders reported using mobile banking in the past four weeks. Over the same time period online banking via websites held steady, with more than half of respondents using it in the four weeks prior to the survey.

▲ Channels Used for Banking by Bank Account Holders in Australia, Aug 2013 & Aug 2015 (% of respondents)

Digital banking overall, which includes both PC- and mobile-based access, was up from 58.6% of respondents to 62.2%.

All other banking channels were down in the two years since the earlier survey. Account holders were less likely to have visited a branch, banked on the phone or spoken to a personal advisor or banker.

Respondents were also most likely to be satisfied with digital channels, though the vast majority were happy with traditional ones as well. Website and mobile channels managed to please around nine in 10 account holders, vs. eight in 10 who were happy with phone banking, for example.

Roy Morgan research reported earlier that as of June 2015, 5.8% of banking users in Australia were mobile-only, including account access via phones and tablets. It was most common among respondents ages 14 to 24, 13.1% of whom were mobile-only.

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